Monday, 21 February 2011

Java Software Quality Analysis

This is an interesting report on Java Software Quality Analysis where Java quality analysis tools ( Coverity, Headway Software, Parasoft, Sonar and XDepend) analyze the same open source project.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

SoapUI - Web Testing Framework

SoapUI is an open source application and framework to test web applications and web services. Test cases can be entered using a graphical user interface and they can be executed using the graphical user interface or embedded in Apache Ant or Apache Maven.

Load Testing Tools Adoption Survey

The last Methods & Tools survey wanted to determine the level of adoption of load testing tools in organizations. It asked the following question: “Do you use a tool for load / performance testing?”

I use tools for load testing 48%
My organization has tools, but my project or I do not use them 20%
My organization has no tools for load testing 32%

Participants: 182
Ending date: January 2011
Source: Methods & Tools Load Testing Tools Survey

Additional resources:
* JMeter presentation
* Load Testing Section of the Software Development Articles Directory
* Load Testing Section of the Software Development Tools Directory
* Load testing tools directory